Parenting & Computer Skill Training

A Non-Profit Educational 501(c)(3) Public Charity   

Parenting is the most challenging job one will ever encounter in the married life. It requires the parents’ complete commitment to responsibility and sacrifice. Until the children reach eighteen years of age, the parents hold responsibilities for their children’s actions and behaviors by law. Since formal training programs on parenting are not mandatory for wedded couples, the majority of parents do not know how to parent well when they are faced with the task. Parenting should not be limited to those who encounter their children’s psychological/emotional/moral issues; it should be a concern of every single parent, educator and professional. Participation in formal parenting skill training classes is necessary to bridge the generation gap and to secure a brighter future for children, as well as their parents. 

Computer Skill Training

Why parents should know about computer and the internet? A good understanding of computer and internet use will help you to protect your child.  As we all know the internet is a great way to get up-to-date on the news, do research for school projects, and communicate with friends, but it can also be very dangerous. As a parent, it is your responsibility to make sure that your child stays safe online. 

Computers and Internet connections are now everywhere. Technology in this 21st Century is a part of our's lives. At home, if you can jointly plan a school project with your child will improve your parent-teen relationship. At work, the better technology skills you have, the better job opportunity, the better support to your child education.


• Empower parents with knowledge of U.S. Educational Systems, Kids & the Laws.

• Help parents gain technical & communication skills; methods of promoting and supporting the physical, social, emotional, and intellectual development of a child.

• Help students identify their interests, potentials, skills, and personalities to develop academic and career goals.

• Collaborate with government agencies, communities, schools, parents, educators, and professionals to develop plans for students’success (from Kindergarten to grade 12)

We provide training through:

Seminars, Work Groups, Individual, On-site, Phone, Webinars, DVDs, Audio/Video Conferences...   714-489-7163